Monday, January 23, 2006

An Inner Celebration

Today is a day of reflection, of solemn celebration. My late father, Charles, loved the Seahawks. He followed the team for more than twenty years.

The game of football was one of the factors in his life that brought joy to him among the many stresses of providing for family of six during the 1970s & '80s. People who have lived in Seattle since the early '70s will remember the dire effects the Boeing layoffs had the region; my Father was among those sacked at the time.

His team never won the championship. They came close once. I wish he was alive to see this. Although my Father has been gone for seven years, I hold the celebration in my heart for him. He's my hero.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So there, I’m not sure if it rained today. I need to look at the paper. There are plenty of clouds so it still might let go.

Electrons are filling my mind lately. Words like valence, positive and negative charges ect. It’s all part of my general chemistry course. I’m taking the class to stay sharp scholastically as I wait to begin the radiologic technology program.

I’m also reading a terrific text, Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and a Science. I’m reading about electronic theory.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Again, with the rain

And the rain continues. I must be a native because I feel empowered by the rain. I work at a major outdoor retailer and snow in the mountains means hours for me. And so I'm happy.

Theres not a whole lot to report.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My own Headstart

Seattle is such a beautiful city during the winter. The clouds race across the sky, gray and sodden. We’ve had a near record breaking string of rainy days.

I’m not even in the RT program yet and yet I’m studying. Today I took notes from the terrific book, Radiographic Imaging & Exposure 5th Ed.,pb,2000.

It really lays the concepts out in easy to follow side bars. I worked on the parameters controlling photographic factors like density and contrast. It turns out there’s quite a few. Miliamperage seconds, Kilovoltage peak and grid ratios to name a few.

My strategy is simple, knock out the basic understanding of the radiologic concept to ahead in the game. I’ve been told to expect an info dump early on.

What I really want to do is figure out some way to practice positioning techniques. I’ve got the books. It’d be very cool to put several competencies under my belt before the program even starts.