Monday, September 18, 2006

Fall has sprung, Uh.

Gosh, I love my town in late September: clouds race by like pigs from a gun. Oops! Frazzled.

Today was the first day of Fall classes. First, what a gawd awful commute I had coming into school today. It seemed like everyone thought to get on the interstate at the same time. It took me two hours to go 22 miles.

Anyhoozle, we studied the positioning of the humerus, elbow and forearm. It was great fun. The lab was a farkin three ring circus. I have to smile here because it felt like high school: they Shepard us around from class to lab and back. We saw demonstrations of positioning and looked at films. I got to meet two new instructors. One teaches technique, the other computed radiography.

One of the newbies teaches my radio technique class and she had bad cold. She's also about 200 pounds over weight, which some of my readers will think is irrelevant, but it added to the overall affect. She seems nice enough. But she went though pages of power points with nary a pause. This won her little in the way of first impression points. But she's got personality and spunk. With the frequent smart ass comment.

The other newbie was in the military forever. And made a late career change. I really found him interesting and energetic. I like stories of mid-like career changes; any guess why?

I drank a cup of coffee this afternoon, which I not supposed to do, doctor's orders, so I feel a little wired, and the overall tendency to write run on sentences is somewhat overwhelming, so I should probably sign off. You've all been in my thoughts. Stay well and keep in touch. Wait, who does that remind me of.


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