Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy July!

Week of: 2007-06-25

Abstract: The first week of the, 40hr/wk clinical only, Summer Quarter

Mood: Chipper

What went well: I got in and started and ended fluoro exams. It took control of my experience.

What needs work: Being open to new experiences and as usual, taking initiative.

Elucidation: It was quite a week I think. I was able to spend the entire 40-hour first week in fluoro. I learned a lot, from setting up exams to the flow of spots (which the radiologist takes) to overheads (standard radiographs) which are the responsibility of the technologist.

The setup consists of setting out various materials including contrasts dyes, other compounds to be injected. I observed the checks and balances that go into securing a safe experience for the patient.

I was involved in one exam called a Myelogram. In this exam contrast is injected using a long needle inserted into the nerve roots of the spinal column near L5-S1. The patient experienced a mild form of shock. She was in extraordinary pain and sat up quickly which caused the situation to become worse. I talked to her calmly while holding her hand. I asked her about her family. I patted her shoulder.

She had expressed fear when I brought her back from the holding area before the exam. I told her when I have a medical procedure in which I'm afraid I always take deep breaths and imagine it's happening to someone else.

When the episode started I got down to her level as said, “This would be a good time to do some deep breathing.” She took it well. But her pain was stupendous.

She calmed down after getting an injection of pain meds. We were able to complete the study. The radiologist explained the pain as being caused by truncated nerve roots. The contrast was forced farther into the area by her insistence of getting up. I can't blame her. I'd be jumping up too if my butt and legs seemed to be on fire.

I seem to be doing well. I made six comps last week I want to finish them all up during the 440 hours this quarter.

Just a reminder to take not to take anything personally if you can help it. It always seems like there's a type-A in the department. And fluoro is no exception.

I had fun last week. It nice not to have to worry about exams.

Keep in touch.

Goals for next week: Comp two fluoro exams. Continue knocking down other comps.


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Mary said...

It sounds like you had a very good week--it's nice to have those every once in awhile...

I love fluoro and I am so glad I got a job at a hospital instead of a clinic so I'll still be able to do those exams.

Keep up the good work, busting out those comps and getting the "good" kind of learning in


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